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We are a DSP Software supplier.

We work under "DSP Innovations" brand since 2007, delivering a high-optimized software for any platforms: DSP, RISC as well as any others.

We develop and supply our proprietary and standard technologies and products, we customize them to specific conditions and requirements of our customers. 

Our mainstream is speech technologies and a voice communication: 
- innovative methods of speech compression (of a speech coding),
- speech enhancement (noise and echo cancellation, spectrum equalization, etc.),
- error control coding (channel coding),
- advanced methods of "joint source-channel coding",
- voice-band low-latency modems,
- etc.

We create innovative high-quality vocoders robust to acoustic noises as well as to any channel errors.

All our proprietary vocoders (TWELP, SPR, etc.) are free of any third-parties' patents and have superior characteristics in comparison with the well-known vocoders at the same bit rates. 

We are a team of scientists, software and hardware engineers, developers and programmers, young talents and reputable experts with a great experience in Digital Signal Processing and a development of unique technologies and products for various telecommunication equipment and other applications in IT-domain.

Our products are used in: 

- a wire and wireless communication equipment,
- Digital Radio, including mobile radio, Software Defined Radio and HF/VHF/UHF transceivers,
- VoIP devices and various PC applications, 
- answering machines, speaking games and in many other devices.

Having a great experience not only in development of mathematically intensive algorithms and software, but also in a hardware design, a production, a testing and an exploitation of various radio and telecommunication equipment, we use our strong background to satisfy the requirements of our customers and to provide each one of them with the most advantageous solution.

Geographically we work where we live or where we travel. We are an international team without an office.

DSP Innovations is a group of independent companies registered in different countries. But we see ourselves as a French company first of all.

 Sergei photo

Sergei Vershinin
Founder, CEO & CTO, Digital Voice expert