(version 5.0) provides better speech quality and intelligibility in comparison to the MELPe 600 bps vocoder, which operates at a much higher bitrate.

For Digital HF Radio and other markets.

TWELP Technology Features. The vocoder is based on newest technology of speech coding called "Tri-Wave Excited Linear Prediction" (TWELP) that was developed by experts of DSPINI. 

TWELP technology is a new class of vocoders that differs from any other LPC-based vocoders by:

  • advance reliable method of pitch estimation
  • pitch-synchronous analysis
  • advance tri-wave model of excitation
  • newest quantization schemes
  • pitch-synchronous synthesis

Thanks to these unique features, TWELP technology provides significantly better speech quality than other well-known technologies—including AMBE+2, MELPe, ACELP, and others—at equivalent bit rates ranging from 300 bps to 4800 bps and beyond.

Additionally, unlike other low-bitrate vocoders (such as MELPe, for example), TWELP delivers much higher quality for non-speech signals, including sirens, background music, and similar audio.

Speech Quality. This is a comparison with the MELPe vocoder, which operates at 600 bps.
The TWELP 480 bps and MELPe 600 bps vocoders were tested using the ITU-T P.50 speech base in 20 different languages.

We have updated the speech database by minimizing inter-speech pauses to eliminate their impact on the evaluation results. Therefore, the numbers obtained from the quality measurements using this updated speech database differ from those previously obtained with the original speech database, where speech pauses were not removed.

The ITU-T P.862 tool was used to evaluate speech quality in terms of PESQ scores:
The diagram demonstrates a significant difference in speech quality between the TWELP 480 and MELPe 600 vocoders. Exact numbers are shown in the table below.
LanguageTWELP 480 bpsMELPe 600 bps
American 2.393 2.211
Arabic 2.323 2.168
British 2.409 2.270
Chinese 2.330 2.055
Danish 2.405 2.174
Dutch 2.316 2.145
Finnich 2.340 2.243
French 2.458 2.258
German 2.478 2.227
Greek 2.411 2.164
Hindi 2.490 2.358
Hungarian 2.434 2.293
Italian 2.628 2.417
Japanese 2.421 2.308
Norwegian 2.373 2.197
Polish 2.436 2.274
Portuguese 2.512 2.370
Russian 2.331 2.119
Spanish 2.498 2.322
Swedish 2.578 2.437

A difference is on average 0.177 PESQ

 Speech Intelligibility. Here is a comparison with the MELPe vocoder, which operates at 600 bps. The TWELP 480 bps vocoder and the MELPe 600 bps vocoder were tested using the ITU-T P.50 speech database, covering 20 different languages.
STOI (Short-Time Objective Intelligibility) and ESTOI (Extended Short-Time Objective Intelligibility) metrics were used to assess speech intelligibility: 
The diagram illustrates a difference in speech intelligibility between the TWELP 480 and MELPe 600 vocoders in the STOI metric. Exact values are provided in the table below:
LanguageTWELP 480 bpsMELPe 600 bps
American 81.16 79.24
Arabic 78.47 78.50
British 78.41 75.67
Chinese 79.41 77.40
Danish 81.16 79.12
Dutch 79.59 77.04
Finnich 75.54 74.76
French 80.42 78.79
German 80.66 79.00
Greek 79.41 77.89
Hindi 79.66 78.35
Hungarian 80.13 78.14
Italian 79.14 78.03
Japanese 79.98 79.30
Norwegian 80.76 79.24
Polish 80.08 78.37
Portuguese 80.19 78.04
Russian 78.43 75.74
Spanish 78.49 77.82
Swedish 77.66 76.89

A difference is on average 1.54 %

Considering that a low-bitrate vocoder is a nonlinear device that significantly distorts the spectrum of the original speech signal, the ESTOI metric provides more accurate assessments of speech intelligibility after vocoding:
The diagram shows a difference in speech intelligibility between the TWELP 480 and MELPe 600 vocoders in the ESTOI metric. Exact numbers are shown in the table below.
LanguageTWELP 480 bpsMELPe 600 bps
American 71.36 69.76
Arabic 70.26 70.04
British 69.39 67.54
Chinese 72.54 69.85
Danish 72.24 69.81
Dutch 70.59 69.58
Finnich 66.82 66.23
French 71.73 70.28
German 70.88 68.55
Greek 72.05 70.59
Hindi 68.70 67.87
Hungarian 69.44 67.46
Italian 69.46 68.60
Japanese 72.31 71.22
Norwegian 73.18 70.59
Polish 71.83 70.79
Portuguese 71.21 69.53
Russian 69.37 66.88
Spanish 70.79 70.33
Swedish 67.06 67.17

A difference is on average 1.43 %

You can see that speech intelligibility testing confirms the superiority of the TWELP 480 bps vocoder over the MELPe 600 bps vocoder, despite the fact that the TWELP vocoder operates at a significantly lower bitrate.
You can download the P.862 and STOI/ESTOI utilities, along with all speech samples, by using the links in the 'Downloads' section at the bottom of the page, and then check all the numbers presented above.

Speech Samples (WAV-files). 
A few independent experts compared the TWELP 480 bps vocoder with the MELPe 600 bps vocoder using the preference method.
Although opinions were split, most listeners preferred the TWELP vocoder, noting its more natural and less synthetic sound.

You can play and listen to short samples of the source speech, as well as the speech processed by the MELPe 600 bps vocoder and the TWELP 480 bps vocoder, using the links in the table below.

You can also download the complete set of P.50 samples as zip files for all languages simultaneously by using the links in the 'Downloads' section at the bottom of the page.

LanguageSource speechMELPe 600 bpsTWELP 480 bps

Superiority In Quality Of The Non-speech Signals. In contrast to other LBR vocoders (MELPe, AMBE+2, etc.), TWELP vocoders provide high quality of non-speech signals, including police, ambulance, fire sirens, etc. This feature in conjunction with high quality natural human-sounding of voice makes TWELP vocoders well suitable for replacement of analog radio by digital radio and also for other applications where high quality transmitting of non-speech signals is relevant along with high quality transmitting of speech signals.

Source signalMELPe 600 bpsTWELP 480 bps

Of course, at such an ultra-low bitrate 480 bps, the quality of non-speech signal processing is worse than at higher bitrates and is not so much better than that of MELPe 600 bps.

High Robustness To Acoustic Noise. In contrast to other LBR vocoders, TWELP vocoders are highly robust to acoustic noise due to a reliable pitch estimation method and other features of TWELP technology.
The diagram demonstrates a difference in speech intelligibility for noisy speech (SNR = 10 dB) between the TWELP 480 and MELPe 600 vocoders, based on the ESTOI metric. Exact numbers are shown in the table below.
LanguageTWELP 480 bpsMELPe 600 bps
American 61.29 58.47
Arabic 60.83 59.83
British 58.73 56.73
Chinese 63.50 60.42
Danish 61.06 57.98
Dutch 59.41 56.63
Finnich 57.03 55.25
French 62.18 60.07
German 59.66 56.79
Greek 62.60 59.48
Hindi 57.87 55.59
Hungarian 60.80 59.22
Italian 58.51 57.39
Japanese 63.87 61.64
Norwegian 64.77 61.09
Polish 61.25 59.62
Portuguese 61.01 58.66
Russian 58.77 57.10
Spanish 62.63 59.90
Swedish 55.44 53.69

A difference is on average 2.28 %

The fact that the difference in speech intelligibility between the TWELP and MELPe vocoders is larger for noisy speech (2.28%) than for clean speech (1.43%) indicates better resistance of the TWELP vocoder to acoustic noise.
Additionally, the TWELP vocoder features an NCSE (Noise Cancellation Speech Enhancement) preprocessor, which cleans the input speech signal from noise and enhances speech quality. 
Below, you can listen to a short fragment of heavily noisy English speech after passing through MELPe and TWELP vocoders, with NPP (Noise Pre-Processor) and NCSE disabled and enabled, respectively.
NPP/NCSEInput speech (SNR=10dB)MELPe 600 bpsTWELP 480 bps
The NCSE integrated into the TWELP vocoder is described in more detail on the webpage for our standalone product, 'NCSE-AGC Preprocessor'.
High Robustness To The Channel Errors. 
The TWELP technology offers highly efficient speech compression by eliminating redundancy while preserving excellent quality and intelligibility. To enhance robustness against transmission errors, we provide specialized versions called TWELP Robust.
These vocoders are based on an effective Joint Source-Channel Coding approach. Each vocoder is equipped with a custom-designed FEC, tailored to its specific characteristics and operational conditions.
TWELP Robust vocoders provide high speech quality simultaneously in noisy channel as well as in noiseless channel. FEC can operate with "soft decisions" as well as with "hard decisions" from a modem. "Soft decisions" mode provides much better robustness in comparison with the "hard decisions" mode.
For all users of our non-robust vocoder versions, we offer the following recommendations.
The diagram below illustrates the sensitivity of bits at the output of the vocoder to communication channel errors.
Essentially, the diagram shows by what percentage speech quality is reduced when a specific bit is distorted. The first bits in order cause catastrophic distortions, while the latter bits have significantly less impact on quality.
We strongly recommend using FEC (Forward Error Correction) with unequal protection of the bits in strong accordance with their sensitivity to errors and utilizing 'Soft Decisions' decoding. This will provide the highest robustness of the vocoder against errors in the channel.


Additional Functionalities. The following additional functionalities are developed by DSPINI and integrated into TWELP vocoders:

  • Noise Cancellation Speech Enhancement (NCSE)
  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC),
  • Voice Activity Detector (VAD),
  • Discontinuous Transmission (DTX),
  • Tone Detection/Generation (Single tones and Dual tones). The tones are transmitted by the vocoder facilities.

The Tone Detector/Generator functionalities are not integrated into the code by default but can be added free of charge upon request.

Each functionality has unique features, performance and characteristics, providing significant superiority over any well-known implementations on the market.

Technical Characteristics And Resource Requirements:

Technical characteristics
Bit Rate
AlgorithmFrame size
Algorithmic delay
(including frame size)
Sampling rate
Signal formatBit stream format
480 TWELP 100 120 8 Linear
Additional functionalities
NameFunctionalityTechnical characteristics
AGC Automatic Gain 
Control range: 0 ... +42 dB
NCSE Noise Canceller -
Speech Enhancer
SNR increasing  20 dB
Speech quality
> 0.1 PESQ
Single/Dual tones 
In accordance with international standards
Single/Dual tones 
Special generator, kept continuity of signal 
(phase and amplitude of signal of previous frame)
DTX Discontinuous 
Reduces bit rate down to 110 bps in pauses
between active speech regions
VAD Voice Activity 
High reliability even with pink noise at an SNR < 0 dB.
CNG Comfort Noise 
Type of noise "white"
Level - 60 dB
The NCSE and AGC integrated into the TWELP vocoder are described in more detail on the webpage for our standalone product, 'NCSE-AGC Preprocessor'.

Resources for ARM Cortex-M4 platform
Memory (KBytes)
Voice Encoder 49 42 196 4.7 6.7 1.0
NCSE 6.0
AGC 0.5
Voice Decoder 19
Voice Encoder +
Voice Decoder
Total 74.5

Resources for TI's C64 DSP platform
Memory (KBytes)
Voice Encoder 17.6 81 196 4.7 6.7 1.0
NCSE 2.6
AGC 0.3
Voice Decoder 5.3
Voice Encoder +
Voice Decoder
Total 25.8

Resources (estimated) for TI's C55 DSP platform
Memory (KBytes)
Voice Encoder 30 26 196 4.7 6.7 1.0
NCSE 6.2
AGC 0.4
Voice Decoder 13
Voice Encoder +
Voice Decoder
Total 49.6

* DSPINI continues optimization of the TWELP algorithm and code in order to minimize computational complexity of the vocoder.

Software Integrity and Security. DSPINI guarantees the ABSOLUTE integrity of its software, free from any undocumented features, undeclared capabilities, or hidden functions. Our customers can be assured that none of our software/code contains any secret features or functionalities concealed from the user. If necessary, we are ready to provide the source code of our software products for appropriate certification.
Moreover, our software is available in source code form—you simply need to purchase the appropriate license to use it.

Guarantee And Support.  DSPINI guarantees a quality and accordance of all technical characteristics of the product to requirement of current specifications. Testing and other method of quality control are used for guarantee support.

Any Platforms.  DSPINI can port this vocoder software into any other DSP, RISC or general- purposes platform inshort time: 1-2 months.

Licensing Terms.  To use the vocoder, customer should obtain a license from DSPINI only.

Customization.  The vocoder can be customized under any specific requirements- other bit rate, frame size, any other robustness to channel errors, etc. Please contact with us for details.

Prospects.  DSPINI is impoving and developing continuously a set of new vocoders with range from 300 bps up to 9600 bps, based on TWELP technology.

Related Software.  This vocoder may be effectively used in a bundle with other DSPINI's products:

  • Linear and acoustic echo cancellers,
  • Multichannel noise cancellers (including two-microphone adaptive array),
  • Wired or radiomodems for any types of channels and bitrates,
  • Other products.
