AdaptiveDigitalVoice technology
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- Written by Ilya

Our newest AdaptiveDigitalVoice TM technology provides highest possible speech quality adapting under fading noisy channel with variable SNR.
The technology is based on newest TWELP AMR Robust vocoder, operated on changable "on the fly" bit rate in range 3600 bps down to 300 bps and our newest Adaptive Voice Band modem.
Commercial product for any platforms will be available after a few months in the next year.
Please watch short DEMO-video
DSPINI guarantees an absolute cleanliness of all its software/codes
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- Written by Ilya
We would like to remind about an important notification that we include into description and documentation of all our products:
Vulnerability / Security. DSPINI guarantees an ABSOLUTE cleanliness of the software of any undocumented features, undeclared capabilities, etc. All our customers can rest assured that our software/codes doesn't contain any secret functions or features hidden from the user. We are ready to provide source codes of our software products for an appropriate certification if needed.
This guarantee concerns our every software/code, as delivered earlier as well as to be delivered in the future.